


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

tumbukan part 5

The dimensional equivalent of the quantity impulse in terms of the fundamental quantities (mass, length, time) is which of the following?  Choose one answer. 

 a . ML2T-2   b .LMT-1    c .MLT    d .ML-2T    e .MLT-2  

B Correct 

This question has more than one correct answer. Linear momentum is conserved in  Choose one answer. 

 a . an elastic collision.   b . any collision where two objects rebound off each other.   c . an inelastic collision.   d . none of the above.   e . Not enough information is given to be able to say.  C Correct 

The kinetic energy of an object is quadrupled. Its momentum will change by what factor?  Choose one answer. 

 a . eight   b . None of the above.   c . four   d . two   e . zero 

c b Incorrect


Two moving objects collide and rebound from each other. Kinetic energy  Choose one answer. 

 a . none of the above.   b . is definitely not conserved.   c . is definitely conserved.   d . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   e . may or may not be conserved, depending on the nature of the collision. 

a Correct 


Hidup seseorang terselamatkan dalam kecelakaan mobil karena bantal udara yang mengembang di depan kepalanya. Jika mobil tidak dilengkapi dengan bantal udara, kaca depan mobil akan menghentikan gerakan kepalanya pada waktu yang lebih singkat. Jika dibandigkan dengan kaca depan, bantal udara:  Choose one answer. 

 a . menggunakan gaya yang jauh lebih kecil   b . melakukan kerja lebih besar   c . menyebabkan perubahan energi kinetik yang jauh lebih kecil   d . menggunakan impuls yang jauh lebih kecil   e . menyebabkan perubahan momentum yang lebih kecil 

c Incorrect 

Two moving objects collide, stick to each other, and move off together. Linear momentum  Choose one answer. 

 a . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   b . may or may not be conserved, depending on the nature of the collision.   c . is definitely not conserved.   d . is definitely conserved.   e . none of the above. 

A Incorrect 
D correct


Two moving objects collide, stick to each other, and move off together. Kinetic energy Choose one answer.

a . none of the above. b . Not enough information is given to be able to say. c . is definitely conserved. d . may or may not be conserved, depending on the nature of the collision. e . is definitely not conserved.
C incorrect

The linear momentum of a truck will be greater than that of a bus if

Choose one answer.

a . the truck's mass and speed are both larger than the bus's.
b . Not enough information is given to be able to say.
c . any of the above.
d . the truck's speed is larger than the bus's but its mass is the same.
e . the truck's mass is larger than the bus's but its speed is the same.

A Incorrect
recomend c

Two air-track gliders are held together with a string. The mass of glider A is twice that of glider B. A spring is tightly compressed between the gliders. If the gliders are initially at rest and the spring is released by burning the string, what is the total momentum of both gliders after the release? Choose one answer.

a . zero b . twice the momentum of B c . half the momentum of A d . Not enough information is given to be able to say. e . twice the momentum of A

B Incorrect

The dimensional equivalence of the quantity "momentum" in terms of the fundamental quantities (mass, length, time) is: MLT^-1 Correct

Untuk tumbukan tidak elastic sama sekali antara dua benda, energi kinetik yang diterima oleh objek sama dengan:  Choose one answer. 

 a . beda energi kinetik benda sebelum tumbukan   b . energi kinetik total sebelum tumbukan   
c . 1/2MV^2 COM , dengan M merupakan massa total dan V COM  adalah kecepatan pusat massa   d . energi kinetik dari benda yang lebih ringan sebelum tumbukan   e . energi kinetik dari benda yang lebih berat sebelum tumbukan 

C Correct 

Under what conditions is the kinetic energy conserved in a collision? Choose one answer. 

 a . When the collision is totally elastic.  b . It is always conserved.  c . When there is no net outside force.  d . When there is no friction.  e . Not enough information is given to be able to say. 

a Correct 

Under what conditions is mass conserved?  Choose one answer. 

 a . Whenever the system is isolated or closed.   b . Only when the change is a chemical one.   c . Only when the change is a physical one.   d . Never.   e . Always.

  E Incorrect
a coorect

Which of the following quantities are conserved in an isolated system?  Choose one answer. 

 a . energy   b . all of the above   c . momentum   d . mass 

c d Incorrect  

What does it mean for a physical quantity in a system to be conserved?
Choose one answer.

a . the total amount of it in the system stays constant.
b . it stays in its original state forever.
c . Not enough information is given to be able to say.
d . it is used in the most efficient manner possible.
e . none of the above.

A Correct

We can explain the recoil that occurs when a rifle is fired by using the conservation of Choose one answer.

a . mass. b . time. c . momentum. d . kinetic energy. e . work. C Correct

We can explain the recoil that occurs when a rifle is fired by using Choose one answer.

a . equal and opposite impulses. b . equal and opposite changes in momentum c . Any of the above. d . conservation of momentum. e . Not enough information is given to be able to say.
E Incorrect

When a star undergoes a supernova explosion, the total linear momentum of the star Choose one answer.

a . increases. b . this problem is unrealistic. c . Not enough information is given to be able to say. d . does not change. e . decreases.

a Incorrect
d correct

What are the SI units of momentum?  Choose one answer. 

 a . pascals   b . watts   c . joules   d . kg.m   e . kg m/s  e Correct 

Why is skiing into a wall of deep powder less hazardous to your health than skiing into a wall of bricks? Assume in both cases that you have the same initial speed and come to a complete stop.  Choose one answer. 

 a . The increased stopping time in powder means a smaller stopping force.   b . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   c . The impulse is less in powder.   d . The change in momentum is less in powder.   e . The decreased stopping time in powder means a larger stopping force.  a Correct 

Which has the greater momentum, an 18-wheeler parked at the curb or a Volkswagen rolling down a hill?  Choose one answer. 

 a . Volkswagen   b . It depends on the mass of the volkswagen.   c . 18-wheeler   d . The momenta are equal.   e . Could be either.  a Correct 

What happens to the total momentum of a star that undergoes a supernova explosion?  Choose one answer. 

 a . It remains constant.   b . It increases.   c . It depends on the color of the star.   d . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   e . It decreases. 

a Correct 

Pusat massa suatu sistem partikel memenuhi persamaan yang mirip dengan hukum kedua Newton F=MA COM , dengan: Choose one answer. 

 a .  F merupakan gaya internal danM  adalah massa yang bekerja pada sistem  b .F  merupakan gaya gravitasi dan M adalah massa total dari sistem  c .F  merupakan gaya gravitasi dan M adalah massa bumi  d .F  merupakan gaya internal dan M  adalah massa total dari sistem  e .F  merupakan gaya luar dan  adalah massa total dari sistem 

E Correct 

You exert a force F on a crate of mass m, moving it at a speed v a distance d across a floor in a time interval t. The quantity mv is  Choose one answer. 

 a . the linear momentum of the crate.   b . the kinetic energy of the crate.   c . the power you supply to the crate.   d . the work you do on the crate.   e . the potential energy of the crate.  A Correct 

You exert a force F on a crate of mass m, moving it at a speed v a distance d across a floor in a time interval t. The quantity mv is Choose one answer.

a . the potential energy of the crate. b . the power you supply to the crate. c . the kinetic energy of the crate. d . the work you do on the crate. e . the linear momentum of the crate. b corect


You exert a force F on a crate of mass m , moving it at a speed v a distance d across a floor in a time interval t . The quantity 1/2mv^2 is
Choose one answer.

a . the potential energy of the crate.
b . the kinetic energy of the crate.
c . the power you supply to the crate.
d . the work you do on the crate.
e . the linear momentum of the crate.

B Correct

 An object of mass m moving at speed vo strikes and object of mass 2m which had been at rest. The first object bounces backward along its initial path at speed vo. Is this collision elastic, and if not, what is the change in kinetic energy of the system? 
Choose one answer. 

a . The kinetic energy increases by . 
b . The kinetic energy increases by mv^2 . 
c . The kinetic energy decreases by . 
d . The kinetic energy decreases by . 
e . The collision is elastic. 

b. Correct

A 70-kg man is standing in a 20-kg boat. The man steps to the right thinking he is stepping out onto the dock. However, the following will actually happen (ignore the friction of the water or air on the boat or the man): 
Choose one answer. 

a . The boat doesn't move and the man moves to the right. 
b . The boat and the man don't move. 
c . The man only moves a short distance to the right while the boat moves a larger distance to the left. 
d . None of the above. 
e . The man actually stays still while the boat moves toward the left. 

If we examine a ball in free fall, we find that the momentum of the ball is not constant. This is not a violation of the law of conservation of momentum because 
Choose one answer.

a . All of the above. 
b . Not enough information is given to be able to say. 
c . the ball experiences an external force. 
d . the force of gravity acts on the ball. 
e . the system is not closed. 

 Dua gerobak (A dan B) memiliki bemper pegas dan bertumbukan sehingga kedua pegas bertemu. Gerobak A bermassa 2 kg dan awalnya bergerak ke kanan. Gerobak B bermassa 3 kg dan diam. Ketika jarak antar gerobak minimum: 
Choose one answer. 

a . gerobak A menjadi diam 
b . gerobak B tetap diam 
c . kedua gerobak memiliki momentum yang sama 
d . energi kinetik dari sistem bernilai minimum 
e . kedua gerobak memiliki energi kinetik yang sama 
c e

Sebuah tali ringan melewati katrol ringan tanpa gesekan yang digantung di langit-langit. Sebuah benda dengan massa besar diikatkan pada salah satu ujung tali, dan benda lain denganmassa lebih kecil diikatkan pada ujung tali lainnya. Dimulai dari keadaan diam, benda yang lebih berat bergerak ke bawah dan benda yang lebih ringan bergerak ke atas dengan percepatan sama. Manakah pernyataan berikut yang benar mengenai sistem yang terdiri dari dua massa?
 a . total gaya luar yang bekerja adalah nol
b . semua salah
c . pusat massa tetap diam
d . kecepatan pusat massa konstan
e . percepatan pusat massa adalah g, ke arah bawah

a,, eIncorrect

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