


Sabtu, 22 September 2012

contoh soal tumbukan part 1

The law of conservation of momentum is applicable to systems made up of objects described by which of the following? Choose one answer. 

 a . microscopic  b . All the above choices are valid.  c . macroscopic  d . interacting through friction  e . None of the above. 

b Correct 

Pusat massa suatu system partikel memiliki kecepatan konstan jika:  Choose one answer. 

 a .gayaluar yang bekerjapadasistempartikelberjumlahnol   b . pusatmassaterletakpadapusatgeometrisistem   c . partikelterdistribusisecarasimetrik di sekitarpusatmassa   d . kecepatanawalpusatmassaadalahnol   e . gaya yang diberikanpartikelsatuke yang lainnyaberjumlahnol  c Correct 

A 5-kg object is moving to the right at 4 m/s and collides with another object moving to the left at 5 m/s. The objects collide and stick together. After the collision, the combined object: Choose one answer.

a . is moving to the right. b . is moving to the left. c . has the same kinetic energy that the system had before the collision. d . is at rest. e . has less kinetic energy than the system had before the collision.

c, d. Incorrect

An astronaut floating in the center of the main room in SkyLab with no translational motion relative to Skylab  Choose one answer. 

 a . is stranded.   b . cannot change his orientation.   c . can get to a wall by waving his arms and legs.   d . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   e . can convert his rotational motion to translational motion. 
d Incorrect 
a correct

A lump of clay is thrown at a wall. A rubber ball of identical mass is thrown with the same speed toward the same wall. Which statement is true?  Choose one answer. 

 a . It is not possible to know which object has the greater change in momentum.   b . The ball experiences a greater change in momentum than the clay.   c . The clay experiences a greater change in momentum than the ball.   d . The clay doesn't change its momentum.   e . The clay and the ball experience the same change in momentum. 
b Correct 

A moderate force will break an egg. However, an egg dropped on the road usually breaks, while one dropped on the grass usually doesn't break. This is because for the egg dropped on the grass: Choose one answer. 

 a . the change in momentum is less.  b . the time interval for stopping is greater.  c . Both choices A and C are valid.  d . the time interval for stopping is less.  e . the change in momentum is greater. 

b Correct 

After an elastic collision of two balls, the kinetic energies of the two balls are measured to be 12J and 24J. What can be said about the kinetic energy of the two balls before the collision?  Choose one answer. 

 a . nothing   b . the balls had the same energies, 12J and 24J respectively.   c . Not enough information is given to be able to say.   d . the total kinetic energy of the two balls was 36J.   e . none of the above 

b Incorrect 

Air bags are used by stunt people when they fall off buildings to reduce the _____ that occurs during the collision. Choose one answer.

a . Not enough information is given to be able to say. b . impulse c . change in momentum d . change in velocity e . force E Correct

A tailgunner jumped from a Lancaster bomber but did not break any bones or die because he fell into the branches of a tree and then into a snow bank. Physics explains this because Choose one answer.

a . the impulse in less in trees and snow than ground. b . Not enough information is given to be able to say. c . the decreased stopping time in the tree meant a smaller stopping force. d . the change in momentum was less than hitting the ground directly. e . the increased stopping time in the tree meant a smaller stopping force.

A Incorrect

A billiard ball is moving in the x-direction at 30.0 cm/s and strikes another billiard ball moving in the y-direction at 40.0 cm/s. As a result of the collision, the first ball moves at 50.0 cm/s, and the second ball stops. In what final direction does the first ball move?  Choose one answer. 

 a . in the y-direction   b . at an angle of 45 ccw from the x-direction   c . in the x-direction   d . at an angle of 53.1 counterclockwise (ccw) from the x-direction   e . Such a collision cannot happen. 

D Correct 

A tennis ball is held above and in contact with a basketball, and then both are simultaneously droppeD. The tennis ball bounces off the basketball at a fairly high speed. This is because:  Choose one answer. 

 a . the massive basketball transfers momentum to the lighter tennis ball.   b . the basketball falls farther than the tennis ball.   c . the tennis ball is slightly shielded from the Earth's gravitational pull.   d . None of the above choices are valid.   e . the tennis ball has a smaller radius. 

A Correct 

A model rocket sits on the launch pad until its fuel is ignited, blasting the rocket upward. During the short time of blast-off, as the ignited fuel goes down, the rocket goes up because:  Choose one answer. 

 a . air friction pushes on the escaping fuel.   b . the fuel pushes on the ground.   c . the downward force of gravity is less than the downward momentum of the fuel.   d . both choices A and B are valid.   e . of none of the above reasons. 

c Incorrect 

Assuming that your author jumps off the roof of a garage and lands on the grounD. How will the impulse the ground exerts on him if he lands on grass compare to that if he lands on concrete? Choose one answer.

a . Not enough information is given to be able to say. b . The impulses will be the same independent of the surface. c . this problem is unrealistic. d . The impulse will be larger if he lands on grass. e . The impulse will be larger if he lands on concrete.

d. Incorrect

A valid unit for momentum is which of the following?
Choose one answer.

a . N.m
b .kg
c . N/m
d . kg.m/s
e .kg/m^2

d Correct

A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second identical ball. What is the kinetic energy of the system after the collision compared to that before collision? Choose one answer.

a . None of the above choices are valid. b . four times c . twice d . one fourth e . the same as

c. Incorrect


A billiard ball collides in an elastic head-on collision with a second stationary identical ball. After the collision which of the following conditions applies to the first ball?  Choose one answer. 

 a . has one half its initial velocity   b . Both choices B and D are valid.   c . comes to rest   d . moves in the opposite direction   e . maintains the same velocity as before 

C Correct 

Assume that a red car has a mass of 1000 kg and a white car has a mass of 2000 kg. If both cars are traveling at the same velocity, Choose one answer.

a . the white car's kinetic energy is twice as big. b . the red car's kinetic energy is twice as big. c . Not enough information is given to be able to say. d . their kinetic energies are equal. e . their momenta are equal.

A Correct

Besaran fisis ``impuls" memiliki dimensi yang sama dengan:  Choose one answer. 

 a . momentum   b . energi   c . kerja   d . daya   e . gaya 
b Correct 

Benda A menumbuk benda B yang diam pada suatu tumbukan elastic. Massa A tetap, namun Anda dapat memilih massa B agar cocok. Maka: Choose one answer.

a . agar B memiliki kecepatan pental terkecil, maka pilih
b . agar B memiliki momentum pental terbesar, maka pilih $$m_B
c . agar B memiliki energi kinetik pental terbesar, maka pilih $$m_B
d . agar B memiliki energi kinetik pental terbesar, maka pilih mb=ma
e . agar B memiliki kecepatan pental terbesar, maka pilih

d Correct

Bola X bermassa 2 kg bergerak ke kanan dengan kecepatan 10 m/s. Bola Y bermassa 4 kg, bergerak ke kiri dengan kecepatan 10 m/s. Kedua bola tersebut bertumbukan. Besar impuls dari X pada Y adalah:  Choose one answer. 

 a . 1/2 kali besar impuls Y pada X   b . 1/4 kali besar impuls Y pada X   c . sama dengan besar impuls Y pada X   d . empat kali besar impuls Y pada X   e . dua kali besar impuls Y pada X 


Dua buah benda P dan Q memiliki momentum yang sama besar. Q memiliki energi kinetik lebih besar dari P jika:
Choose one answer.

a . bergerak dengan kecepatan yang sama dengan P
b . bergerak lebih lambat dari P
c . bergerak lebih cepat dari P
d . sama berat dengan P
e . lebih berat daripada P

C Correct

Dua gerobak (A dan B) memiliki bemper pegas dan bertumbukan sehingga kedua pegas bertemu. Gerobak A bermassa 2 kg dan awalnya bergerak ke kanan. Gerobak B bermassa 3 kg dan diam. Ketika jarak antar gerobak minimum:
Choose one answer.

a . gerobak A menjadi diam
b . kedua gerobak memiliki momentum yang sama
c . energi kinetik dari sistem bernilai minimum
d . gerobak B tetap diam
e . kedua gerobak memiliki energi kinetik yang sama
  B Incorrect

Dorongan pada roket adalah:  Choose one answer. 

 a . gaya yang dihasilkan dari bahan bakar gas yang keluar dari roket   b . gaya gravitasi yang bekerja pada roket   c . gaya yang dihasilkan dari reduksi massa dari sistem bahan bakar-roket   d . semua salah   e . gaya luar dalam bentuk apapun 
c Incorrect 
a coorect

Dua gerobak identik bergerak dengan kecepatan 1 m/s dengan arah yang berlawanan pada suatu permukaan horizontal. Keduanya mengalami tumbukan elastik dan memantul satu sama lain dengan kecepatan 2 m/s. Karena itu:  Choose one answer. 

 a . jika selang waktu tumbukan cukup lama, laporan mungkin benar   b . momentum tidak kekal, oleh karena itu, laporan tersebut tidak benar   c . jika energi dalam berubah menjadi energi kinetik selama tumbukan, maka laporan tersebut mungkin benar   d . jika tumbukannya bersifat elastik, laporan mungkin benar   e . jika gesekan muncul, laporan mungkin benar 

D, B Incorrect 

Gerobak berisi pasir meluncur pada lintasan licin. Saat gerobak bergerak, pasir bercucuran keluar dengan laju konstan melalui sebuah lubang di bagian belakang gerobak. Percepatan gerobak adalah: Choose one answer.

a . bervariasi dan memiliki arah ke depan b . bervariasi dan memiliki arah ke belakang c . nol d . konstan dan memiliki arah ke depan e . konstan dan memiliki arah ke belakang
b Correct

Gaya:  Choose one answer. 

 a . adalah kemampuan melakukan kerja   b . memiliki dimensi momentum dikalikan waktu   c . laju perubahan kerja   d . sama dengan integral negatif (terhadap jarak) dari fungsi energi potensial   e . sama dengan laju perubahan momentum 

e Correct 

If a sports car with a mass of 1000 kg travels down the road with a speed of 30 m/s, its momentum is 30,000  Choose one answer. 

 a . force times velocity.   b .    c .    d .kgm/s    e . weight times velocity.   f .kgm2/s2    g . mass times velocity.   h . kg/(m/s)   i . mass times speed.   j . mass times acceleration. 

g Incorrect  

If a glass of water is on a table with a piece of paper under it, it is relatively easy to pull the paper out without disturbing the glass very much if the pull is done very quickly. This is because, with a quick pull:
Choose one answer.

a . the coefficient of kinetic friction will be less.
b . the time for the pull will be less.
c . the coefficient of kinetic friction will be greater.
d . the momentum of the paper will be greater.
e . the force on the glass will be less.

B Correct

If a two-body collision is not head-on, then we may always assume that:
Choose one answer.

a . kinetic energy is conserved.
b . both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.
c . neither momentum nor kinetic energy are conserved.
d . momentum is conserved.
e . none of the above choices are valid.

D Correct
Hukum kekekalan momentum berlaku pada seluruh sistem benda bertumbukan hanya jika:  Choose one answer. 

 a . koefisien restitusi sama dengan satu   b . impuls luar total sama dengan nol   c . tumbukan yang terjadi elastik   d . koefisien restitusi sama dengan nol   e . tidak ada perubahan energi kinetik sistem 

a correct

If the momentum of an object is tripled, its kinetic energy will change by what factor?  Choose one answer. 

 a . three   b . nine   c . None of the above.   d . one-third   e . zero 

A D Incorrect

In a partially elastic collision between two objects with unequal mass:  Choose one answer. 

 a . both choices A and B are valid.   b . the energy of one increases by the amount that the energy of the other decreases.   c . the velocity of one will increase by the amount that the velocity of the other decreases.   d . the momentum of one will increase by the amount that the momentum of the other decreases.   e . the total momentum of the system will decrease. 


In a two-body collision, if the kinetic energy of the system is conserved, then which of the following best describes the momentum after the collision? Choose one answer.

a . must be less b . is halved in value c . is doubled in value d . may also be conserved e . must also be conserved

E Correct

Jika momentum total suatu sistem berubah:  Choose one answer. 

 a . harus ada total gaya luar yang bekerja pada sistem   b . partikel-partikel did ala sistem harus memberikan gaya satu sama lain   c . pusat massa sistem memiliki kecepatan tetap   d . sistem berada di dalam pengaruh gravitasi   e . bukan seluruh jawaban di atas 

b correct

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